Appearance (0 to 4 stars): 4. Amber, yes, just alluring with a rich, dark caramel tone.
Aroma: 3.5. Slightly sweet, a tad nutty, but not overpowering.
Flavor: 3.5. Not as sweet as I recall from the college days, but nice anyway. No funky aftertaste.
Texture: 3.5. Goes down with a bit of carbonation. Smooth and rich.
Drinkability: 4. Not as heavy, of course, as a stout or porter, and not as tart as a lager.
Overall score: 18.5 / 20.0
Cost: $3.
On the label:
Summary: Not as good as I remember, but it still scored very high. I guess my taste for stouts has increased. This is a nice, smooth brew without that lager funkiness.
