Postal Tour 2019: Pahoa, HI 96778

This, I expected, would be the last stop on this East Hawaii leg of the postal tour. Again, thank God for Google Maps. I remember the Dairy Queen in Pahoa — that Oreo Blizzard lasted me all the way back to Waimea during an overnight football/wrestling/swimming trip one weekend back in the 1990s — more than the post office. That Dairy Queen also made a fantastic pastrami sandwich. Very much on the lean side, but so good.

But I found it. Parking lot almost separate from the building, in the back. Busy post office, too. Pahoa town is still rustic, though I miss seeing the historic Akebono Theater facade. Incredible that it burned down some years ago. Wish they would rebuild it in all its retro glory. From here, I headed back to Hilo, then though, maybe I can catch one of the post offices there before closing. Back on with Google Maps. The PO near the airport was my best shot to squeeze in one more postmark before the busy basketball weekend.
