Boston Pizza Special: Garlic, Spinach, Sausage

Whaaat? Garlic, spinach, Italian sausage, mushrooms and more on one slice?

It's always about the sauce, first and foremost, for this pupule. This is so good, as always at Boston Pizza. Their version of “one slice” is way more than I needed. So I walked it off. Bloated and walking it off. Happy taste buds. More work for the legs. As it ever was.

This is enough for two humans, in case you were wondering. Total price: $9.01 including tax. I could've just stopped with half of this single slice, though. But I'll be back for more soon enough.

Boston Pizza
3506 Waialae Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816
Hours: 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday; noon-8 p.m., Sunday (closed Monday).
