Pork Chop plate at Island Subs & Burgers (Manoa)

I don't wander into Manoa Valley often, and I stop by Island Burgers and Subs even less. But they have some of the best-tasting and most-filling plate lunches at the lowest prices I know of on Oahu. The only value comparison is Times Supermarket Deli and Itchy Butt. 

Today, I had the pork chop plate, a $6.95 special. It comes with mac salad, but I subbed in tossed greens with Italian dressing for a buck extra. The pork chop comes pre-cut and smothered with ono gravy. This was more than I needed, but again, the value factor. It was an early dinner. Other menu items listed as specials include steak and hamburger steak. 
