5G causes COVID-19? Then what about India

Is 5G truly safe is there a level of danger? Time and evidence will tell. I posted this on Facebook a few days ago, but the quest for legitimate information won’t stop there.

>> For 5G conspiracy theorists — those who are claiming that 5G causes COVID-19 — please explain how COVID-19 is breaking out in India — when India has no 5G (see link).

I’m against 5G because of the potential health risk to all people, but solve this one.

On Thursday, WIRED published a piece about the rise of the conspiracy theory connecting 5G to COVID-19. The one issue I have with this piece is that there is no evidence presented to disprove the theory. It simply lists some of the most popular proponents of the conspiracy theory.

I’ll be on the lookout for information that is legit — clinically proven.

Too bad "X-Files" ended. This would make quite the episode.
